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Fixed Price Repairs

Maxim Computer Services can offer you the finest quality in workshop repairs. Our endless line of supported devices will gurantee whatever your device, we can fix it. We also pride ourselves on our excellent levels of customer support, ensuring that our customers get only the very best support possible, keeping you up to date in the process, as well as doing our very best to give advice. Our in-house workshop is tailored to provide you the very best service and support - we have a highly trained array of workshop engineers who are dedicated to our repair services. 

Are your devices considered 'legacy' devices? Not to worry - Maxim Computer Services have an exstensive stock of parts and old devices, in order to fix and upgrade older devices, so why not ask for a quote: we would be delighted to see what we can do. 

Level A: Cosmetic Repairs

Mobile Computers (PTD's)

Level B: Mid-Range Repairs

Level C: High End Repairs



- Keyboard Keys (Individual)
- Scan Lens

- External Antenna

- Keypad Overlay
- Trigger
- Backup Battery
- Battey Cover
- Beeper



- Keypad
- LCD Display
- Radio Cord 
- Internal Antenna 
- Internal Flex Cable
- Casings 
- 2 Level A Repairs 
- Main Board Exchange 
- Scan Engine 




- Main Board Repair Or Exchange
- Main Board Exchange
- Scan Engine
- 2 
Level B Repairs




Barcode Scanners (CCD-Laser-Imager)

Level A: Cosmetic Repairs



- Scan Lens

- Trigger

- Battery Cover

- Firmware

Level B: Midrange Repairs



-PCB Repair 
- Internal Antenna 
- Internal Flex Cables 
- Beeper 
- 2 Level A Repairs 

Level C: High End Repairs



- Main Board Exchange

- Keyboard

- Scan Engine

- Radio Card

- Casing

- 2 Level B Repairs

Laser Printers

Level A: Light Repairs Laser 

Level B: Cosmetic Repairs Laser



- Screen Lens (Lens Only)
- Pickup Rollers 
- Transfer Rollers 
- Firmware 
- Paper Scissors 
- Paper Flags



-PCB Repairs/ Exchange 
- Scan Engine/ Laser/ LED
- Laser 
- Internal Flex Cables 


Thermal Printers

Level A: Cosmetic Repairs Thermal



- Screen Digitizer 
- Keypads
- Plates
- Metal Guides 
- Drive Belt/ Pulleys 
- Power Supply Repairs 
- Logic PCB Repair 
- Media Sensors

Level B: Heavy Duty Repairs Thermal



- Logic PCB Replacement 
- PSU Replacement 
- DC Motors 
- Platen Motors 
- Access Covers 
- Ribbon Clutch Spoons 

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